Deploying Web Apps With Git
Pushing code to live websites using Git.
How an American Expat Found Richmond upon Thames
If you don't know London, figuring out where to start looking for a place to live can be bewildering.
Park Your US Mobile Phone and Forward Calls Abroad
What to do with your US mobile phone number when moving to Europe? If you don't want to give up your US number, you can park it and forward calls abroad.
Moving From Shared Hosting to a VPS
Setting up a Virtual Private Server (VPS) on DigitialOcean, ServerPilot, and CloudFlare and moving from shared web hosting.
Lightweight PHP MySQL Session Handler
A simple PHP class to manage HTTP session state across requests without native PHP sessions.
Slim 3 Custom Not Found Handler and Template
Registering a custom 404 not found handler and template in Slim 3.